A Weekend in Lake Tahoe

Blog, California, International Travel, Nature, United States


There comes a time when you have to get out of the heat. And just in case you were wondering, it is HOT here in the Valley of the Sun. Like, your air conditioner is going to die hot. Fry-an-egg-on-the-sidewalk hot. I’ve seen both those things done in Phoenix this past week!

Obviously, we were extremely happy to escape the 117 degree heat and get somewhere cooler. My dad planned a weekend getaway to Lake Tahoe over Father’s Day, and he he invited Ben and I, my sister, and her friend to come!



The trip started out with the usual mad rush to the airport. Did you know that Phoenix Sky Harbor offers a bag check in the parking lot? We were eager to use this and skip the lines. However, we still had to wait behind a few people, and by the time we got to the kiosk, we were 30 seconds too late and the computer had shut down early bag checks for our flight. So up the escalator and to the bag check we went, dragging our suitcases and heavy backpacks behind us.



These are the times when we definitely wish we could get a parking spot at the airport without all the hassle. Sky Harbor actually has a pretty good parking system, and it’s still a pain.

There’s actually a parking lot service out there. It’s called ParkitUSA and it’s kind of like Expedia or Priceline, but for airport parking spaces instead of flights! You can see all your options online and then pick the best price. If you go online to ParkitUSA.com and book your parking with them, you can save time and money with daily parking starting around $2. They do it all–long term, short term, onsite, offsite, and discounted airport parking reservations. I haven’t actually used this service yet, but I can tell you it would make life a whole lot easier during that stressful pre-flight scramble.

Anyway, we did manage to survive the airport fiasco and still have time to grab a Starbucks in the process! We made it on our flight and were soon winging it over the dry expanse of mountainous Nevada desert.



I can’t even describe how wonderful it was to get to Reno and feel the cool air! Of course, once we drove through Carson City to Tahoe South, it was even better.



We could see snow on the mountains. How long has it been since I’ve seen snow? Probably a good three or four years.



Fortunately for us desert rats, there was no snow on the ground. I’m not sure we could have handled the chill.



In case you’re looking for an escape from the heat this summer, Tahoe is a pretty great choice. Sometimes you just need to get out of town for a while and enjoy some time in the mountains! I’m counting the days until my next mountain adventure.


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