Tag Archives: cookies

Christmas Cookies!

Ok, it’s officially Christmas. We made Christmas cookies! 

I’ll have you know that these were made 100% from scratch INCLUDING the cookie cutters. Actually, the cookie cutters were a total fail. I’m too cheap to buy actual cookie cutters, so I found directions on Instructables to make them from a soda can. This is a fantastic idea, except that I definitely did not do it right. I have no idea how the cookies ended up looking (sort of) like trees and stars.

Other than that, the cookies turned out pretty darn great. R had never made sugar cookies before, but he caught on quickly and even got creative. Check out his emoji cookie!

He wasn’t to keen on decorating them, so he made the frosting and I did the frosting art. We used some powdered drink mix to color and flavor the pink frosting, and it was pretty yummy. I tried to stick with the emoji theme as much as possible.

Despite our lack of red and green and messy edible glittery stuff, this was quite a success for the first cookies of the season. Next weekend, we’ll be attempting gingerbread. If we’re really brave, we’ll even try gingerbread houses! 

Well, that’s it from the Johnson house today. We also went to a Christmas street fair with R’s friends this weekend, which I’ll post about soon.  Merry Christmas!