Tag Archives: diving

A Red Dive Platform in the Ocean

Some days, you just need to forget life and find something weird to do.

Like this diving platform floating in the ocean. You need something like that.

Red Floating Diving Platform

After block week, which is the week leading up to Ben’s big quarter-term med school tests, we sure needed a red floating dock to jump off. Ben and Matt wanted to surf after their tests, but I had hurt my shoulder. So Stacey and I decided to wander around Galion Bay Beach, and this was what we found.

jumping in the ocean

It might seem silly, but this thing was the best medicine for a couple of tired, stressed-out med school spouses. Sometimes, you need to let loose and act like a kid!

How’s your week going? If you’re feeling stressed, maybe it’s time to tap into your inner child and do something weird.

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