Tag Archives: journal

7 Ways to “Travel” Europe from Home

Are you stuck at home this summer, wishing for a European vacation? Turn your staycation into a virtual vacation with these seven activities! You can do this on your own, with friends, or with your kids.

1) Plan your itinerary. The wonderful world of the web (that’s what “www” stands for, right?) has unlimited information on every destination in the world. Lay out your travels in Europe by researching places you want to visit someday.


2) Get a travel journal. It will feel almost like you really went when you fill a notebook with photos, impressions, and information about the cities you “visit.

3) Go to the library. Check out a few books and movies about your destination of choice. Try the kids section for big pages and lots of pictures! You may even find a travel mag or two. Go home, make some tea, and soak in the sights. If you’re a bookworm, find a novel or two from the European location you’ve chosen. There’s nothing like creative writing to transport you to another place and time

4) Read blogs. Blogs are the best way to experience a place for what it is. Most bloggers have no ulterior motives, unlike travel brochures. Leave some comments and save some photos. Print up the pictures for your travel journal.

5) Bring Europe to your kitchen. Search the internet for authentic recipes—the best ones come from somebody’s grandmother who immigrated from the Old Country. Try your hand at a few dishes, and be sure to light candles for atmosphere.


6) Explore the city on Google Maps. Did you know that you can “walk through” not only streets, but also important buildings and even museums on Google Maps? Make the most of this online treasure by traversing a city from the comfort of your kitchen table.

7) Make a scrapbook. Sure, it might be out of style, but it’s still fun. Since you’ve spent time learning about a new place, record your newfound knowledge to look back on later. If you’re adventuring with kids, this will definitely be the best part of your European staycation.

Do you have any other ideas for exploring Europe from home? Tell me about your staycation secrets in the comments!

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