Tag Archives: lobster

New England Lobster Rolls, Caribbean Style

Did you know it’s easy to make lobster rolls? If you have ever been to Maine, it’s 99% certain that you’ve tasted a lobster roll and loved it. I was in Maine several years ago, and I haven’t forgotten how delicious they are. So yesterday, when I accidentally thawed lobster instead of fish for dinner, I knew that I had to try my hand at making my own.

lobster tail



  1. Two lobster tails. We catch our lobster fresh at the beach near our home.
  2. Six oblong bread rolls. You can use hotdog buns in a pinch.
  3. 1 1/2 cups of mayonnaise. If you’re really hardcore, make your own using this recipe.
  4. 2 Tablespoons of ketchup
  5. 1 Tablespoon of lemon juice
  6. Half an onion, minced
  7. Black pepper to taste
  8. Parsley for garnish


What you do:

  1. Prepare the lobster. Boil the lobster tails. This takes about ten minutes. The meat should be white and opaque when it is done. Let it cool for a bit, then dig out all the meat and tear into small chunks.
  2. Make the sauce. I like to call the sauce that goes in this “Bear Flag Sauce.” It’s my attempt at creating the famous dipping sauce from Bear Flag Fish Co in California, and it’s a tangy twist on traditional lobster roll sauce.  Mix the mayo, the ketchup, and the lemon juice together. You can add a hint of mustard, if you like.
  3. Mix it up. Combine the lobster, sauce, onion, and pepper in a bowl.
  4. Put it together. Make a large slit in the top of the rolls, longways. Spoon a generous amount of the mixture into the rolls. Garnish with more pepper and parsley.

Yummy! This is a great meal for summer evenings.

It’s been a while since I posted a Foodie Tuesday, but I’m planning to be back at my weekly recipe posts  for good, so stick around and head back next week! Subscribe or like my page to find out each time I post a new recipe.

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Boiled Lobster and Fish Bake


Last Saturday, I got a special treat: Steamed lobster dripping with melted butter, and a night off from cooking. That’s right– my man made me a fancy dinner just because my weekend was busy. He and his friend Matt made an amazing seafood meal of baked fish and steamed lobster. You can make it, too! Here’s how:



You will need:

  • One small lobster per person
  • Enough patience to catch a some fish (or a few free minutes to grab some from the grocery store). For the record, I got the blue tang!

Hawkeye Marine Electronics FishTrax Fish Finders - Go Anywhere. Portable. Handheld. Mounted.

  • Melted butter
  • 2 lemons
  • Garlic, rosemary, and lemon spice
  • Rice



  • Bring a pot of water to boil.
  • Place lobsters inside and make sure the water covers all areas. Boil 10-15 minutes until the lobsters are bright red.
  • Preheat oven to 375*F.
  • Prepare fish by sprinkling them with the herbs (I wrote about another version of this, if you want to get more fancy: see my last Foodie Tuesday).
  • Bake fish on a greased sheet in preheated oven.
  • Prepare rice
  • Cut lemon wedges and melt half a stick of real butter for dipping
  • Serve and enjoy!


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