Tag Archives: remember

Honoring Our Veterans at National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona


I don’t know about you, but I sometimes forget to really focus on what Memorial Day is all about. This year, I did a lot better at dedicating time to remembering fallen American heroes. The Tuesday after Memorial Day, I visited our local sanctuary of honor: National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona.




What is Memorial Day?

If you’re not American and you’re reading this (or you’re any of interviewees featured on Watter’s World last week), Memorial Day is a national holiday in which we take a day off work in order to remember the many American soldiers who have died to protect our nation. From the first casualties of the Revolutionary War to the most recent war tragedy, each life is honored and remembered with gratitude.



What is National Memorial Cemetery in Arizona? 

This is the final resting place of many of Arizona’s veterans who have passed since the 1970s. My grandfather was a Korean War veteran, and although he had the option to be buried here, he chose to be taken back home to Iowa. Even though I don’t have anyone to visit here, it is still a wonderful place to go and think and be thankful. Here, you’ll find the endless neat rows of well-kept headstones, each representing a service member who gave their all for their fellow countrymen. The cemetery also has some beautiful memorials tucked away in to the far corner, including the flagpole from the U.S.S. Arizona.




My Experience 

Nobody was able to go to National Memorial Cemetery with me, so I ended up driving over to Cave Creek, Arizona by myself. It ended up being the perfect solo excursion for a thoughtful afternoon. I can’t quite describe the emotions I felt when I stepped out of my car in a remote area of the cemetery. I suppose “poignant” would be an appropriate word. I have to admit that I haven’t been to many cemeteries; I expected this one to be filled of creepy, moss-covered, chipping headstones with bizarre epitaphs. I guess that Boston graveyard tour got to me! However, nothing could be further from opposite of creepy or ghostly. In fact, I don’t think I’ve found a more pleasantly peaceful place in the entire Phoenix metro area.



It wouldn’t be bad to lay at rest here, where the warm sun shines perpetually, casting its light over long, neat rows of memorial headstones. The only sound here is an occasional bird and the smart snapping of an American flag in the wind. An occasional visitor sits quietly beside the engraved name of a loved one, and the militarily-neat rows are interrupted by the bright colors of flowers and flags.


I’m not so sure where one should or should not step near a grave, so I was careful to be respectful and just stroll along the perimeter. Many of the headstones were sprinkled with coins. According to Snopes, a penny on a grave means you visited to pay your respects. A nickel means you were at boot camp with the soldier. A dime means you served with him or her, and a quarter means you were there when the veteran died. The coins are a nice way to honor the military members and tell their loved ones that someone cares, and they usually go to pay for an honorable burial for military members without family and financial means.



As I surveyed the countless rows of headstones, I felt tears spring to my eyes. An engraved sign at the cemetery paraphrased the words of John Maxwell Edmonds:


When you go home,

Tell them of us and say,

For your tomorrow

They gave their today.

That struck a chord with me and I couldn’t help but let the tears flow. For all the countless graves at National Memorial Cemetery, this is just a sampling of the Arizona men and women who have sacrificed, if not their lives, at least their years for me. I just can’t quite wrap my brain around the idea of someone else sacrificing themselves for other people, including those they have never met, all in the name of patriotism and freedom. I think it’s just about as close as you can come to giving yourself the way Jesus did.


No matter what time of year you’re reading this, I challenge you to clear your schedule for a couple hours and head to the nearest military cemetery. Even if you’re not a U.S. citizen, this still applies; honor the people who fought and died for your country’s freedom.


You’ll never feel more patriotic than you do when standing beside the graves of thousands who gave everything for your nation. It’s an indescribable feeling.

One More Time

If you asked me what day of the last year I would like to live over, it would be April 21, 2015. Why? Why would I want to live over a random Tuesday? Why not a big, life-changing, memorable day? Because the memories are enough. I’d want to remember those days the way I experienced them the first time around.

Just another day out our place, April 2015


The things I don’t remember well are the everyday things. I’d like to go back a few months and live over a regular day in a past season of my life. On Tuesday, April 21, 2015, I woke up to the sound of Ben’s alarm at 5:30 am. I dragged myself out of bed and made breakfast– probably eggs– while Ben made coffee. We did morning devotions and ate together, and a bit before seven he drove me to work. I opened up the preschool, played with my sweet babies, and then worked as a teacher’s aide in their class. Then I went home and cleaned the house, ate lunch, read my Bible. Maybe I called my mom. Maybe I saw my sister while walking home from work through her college campus. Maybe I walked the long way home and enjoyed the sounds of the city. At 2:30, I went back to work and watched elementary school kids. I probably brought my ukulele and let them play it, I probably played tag with them. I talked casually with the friends I worked with. After work, I walked home and made dinner for Ben. He came home, and after dinner we got ready for Bible study. I made tea, everyone came, and Ben led study group. We read the Bible, prayed, talked, and laughed together. Then everyone said goodnight and went home. I made Ben’s lunch for the next day and we went to sleep.

Not a very exciting day, but a good day. A normal day.

If I could live a day over, I’d want to live again in a day in the life of the former version of me. I’d remember what my life was like. I’d see the changes that have happened over the months, and I’d be grateful for how I’ve grown. I’d be thankful for the time I had with those friends, those kids, that home, that place.

Today, I am thankful to the Lord that I lived today and that I get to live tomorrow. I’d love to live a day in my life over again, but we’re only given one chance to live each day. Let’s be thankful for today and make the most of it.

Inspired by WordPress writing prompts.